Maps Page on Argentina


·      Physical Environment

o   Soil Types of Argentina

o    Andes Mountains: Mountain System, South America (Argentina)

o    Map of Rivers in Argentina

·      Weather & Climate

o    Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification Map for Argentina (1980-2016)

o    Precipitation Map of Argentina

o   Wind Pattern Map of Argentina

·      Human Environment

o   Population Density Map of Argentina

o   Median Monthly Salary Map of Argentina

o   Human Development Index Map of Argentina

·      Road maps

o   First Road Map of Argentina (Major Roads)

o   Second Road Map of Argentina (Major and Minor Roads)

o   Third Road Map of Argentina (Provincial Boundaries)

·      City Maps

o   First City Map of Argentina (Buenos Aires)

o   Second City Map of Argentina (Downtown Buenos Aires)

o    Third City Map of Buenos Aires (Hotels)

·      Urban Transportation Maps

o   First Urban Transportation Map of Argentina (Main Buenos Aires Bus Routes)

o   Second Urban Transportation Map of Argentina (Buenos Aires Metro System)

o   Third Urban Transportation Map of Argentina (Buenos Aires Bicycle Routes)

·      Tourist Maps

o   First Tourist Site Map of Argentina (Palermo Neighborhood, Buenos Aires)

o   Second Tourist Site Map of Argentina (Top 10 Tourist Sites, Buenos Aires)

o   No third tourist map included


1 Physical Environment

Soil Types of Argentina Map:

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This first physical environment map of Argentina depicts the different types of soil that are found throughout the country. According to this map, the three main soil types that are found in Argentina include Mollisol, Aridisol and Entisol. 

Map’s website address:|||


Andes Mountains: Mountain System, South America (Argentina):

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This second physical environment map depicts the location and different levels of elevation within the Andes Mountains beginning in Argentina before going north into Bolivia and Peru. The map also depicts the locations of several high mountain peaks in western Argentina on or near the border with Chile. 

Map’s website address:


Map of Rivers in Argentina:

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This third physical environment map shows all of the rivers that flow throughout Argentina. According to this map, the main rivers that flow throughout the country include the Salad, the Colorado, the Negro, the Chubut and the Santa Cruz Rivers. 

Map’s web address:


2 Weather & Climate

Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification Map for Argentina (1980-2016):

Map showing the different climate zones found within Argentina based on the Köppen climate classification

This first weather and climate map of Argentina depicts the different types of climate classifications throughout the country. Two predominate climate classifications on this map include temperate with no dry season and hot summers in the northeast along with an arid, desert region with cold temperatures stretching from the northwest to the deep south.

Map’s website address:


Precipitation Map of Argentina:

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This second weather and climate map shows the average amounts of precipitation that the various regions of Argentina receive each year. According to this map, the areas that get the highest amounts of precipitation are the east and northeast and the areas that get the lowest amounts are the south and northwest.

Map’s website address:



Wind Pattern Map of Argentina: A close up of a map

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This third weather and climate map depicts current wind patterns in and around Argentina. According to this map, in the northern region of the country, winds seem to be blowing north before turning towards the east. Meanwhile, in the south, winds appear to be coming from the east before blowing north into the country’s southern region.

Map’s web address:


3 Human Environment

Population Density Map of Argentina:

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This first human environment map shows the population density of Argentina per square kilometer as of 2010. Population density ranges are given for each of the country’s provinces. According to this map, the provinces that have the highest population densities include Buenos Aires, Misiones and Tucuman. In contrast, the provinces that have the lowest population densities include La Pampa, Chubut and Santa Cruz.

Map’s web address:



Median Monthly Salary Map of Argentina:

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This second human environment map shows the median monthly salary of Argentinians by province in USD. According to this map, the provinces who’s population makes the most money per month include Neuquén, Chubut, Tierra del Fuego and Santa Cruz. In contrast, the provinces who’s population makes the least money per month include Santiago del Estero, Misiones and Tucuman.

Map’s web address:



Human Development Index Map of Argentina:

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This third human environment map depicts different levels of human development in each province of Argentina. According to this map, the provinces that have the highest levels of human development include Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz, La Pampa and Cordoba. In contrast, the provinces that have the lowest levels of human development include Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Formosa and Misiones.

Map’s web address:


4 Road Maps

First Road Map of Argentina (Major Roads):

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This first road map of Argentina shows the major roads that stretch across the country. The roads are mapped out in reference to their location near major cities.


Map’s web address:



Second Road Map of Argentina (Major and Minor Roads):

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This second road map of Argentina shows both major and minor roads that stretch across the country. The roads are mapped out in reference to their locations near major cities as well as Argentinian provinces (without provincial boundary lines shown).

Map’s web address:



Third Road Map of Argentina (Provincial Boundaries):

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This third road map of Argentina goes back to only showing the major roads that stretch across the country. However, the major roads are mapped out in reference to how they stretch across provincial boundaries in addition to their locations near major cities.

Map’s web address:


5 City Maps

First City Map of Argentina (Buenos Aires):

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This first city map shows all of the roads in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This map offers a thorough layout of the city, showing all major roads, neighborhoods, infrastructure, parks, shopping centers and more. This map is useful as it gives the tourist a good idea of how the transportation system of the city is designed in addition to giving information on what there is to do in the city for entertainment.

Map’s web address:



Second City Map of Argentina (Downtown Buenos Aires):

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This map shows specifically the downtown area of Buenos Aires. It gives names of major and minor roads in downtown Buenos Aires as well as specific information on entertainment opportunities such as museums and entertainment plazas. This map is important as downtown areas of travel destinations often draw tourists for cultural and entertainment experiences.

Map’s web address:



Third City Map of Buenos Aires (Hotels):

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This third city map of Buenos Aires shows where the top 10 hotels in the city are located. This map is useful as it offers information on the best places to stay in Buenos Aires. In addition, it is always important to know where the most comfortable places to stay are while on a trip in a foreign destination.


Map’s web address:



6 Urban Transportation

First Urban Transportation Map of Argentina (Main Buenos Aires Bus Routes):

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This first urban transportation map of Buenos Aires shows the city’s main bus transportation routes. It shows what general areas of the city the buses travel through. This map would be necessary to have in the case of a tourist preferring to travel through the city by bus instead of using the metro system.

Map’s web address:



Second Urban Transportation Map of Argentina (Buenos Aires Metro System):

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This second urban transportation map shows the Buenos Aires metro system. This map is necessary as it would help the tourist figure out the perhaps cheapest and most efficient ways to get around the city rather than spending extra money on taxis.

Map’s web address:



Third Urban Transportation Map of Argentina (Buenos Aires Bicycle Routes):

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This third urban transportation map of Argentina shows various bicycle routes that stretch throughout Buenos Aires. This map would be useful to the tourist that prefers to travel through the city with virtually no cost at all. Thus, they choose to explore the city on bike rather than spending money on taxis or taking advantage of the metro system.

Map’s web address:


7 Tourist Sites

First Tourist Site Map of Argentina (Palermo Neighborhood, Buenos Aires):

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This first tourist site map of Argentina shows the Palermo Neighborhood in Buenos Aires. Palermo is the biggest neighborhood in Buenos Aires and is considered a well-known tourist destination in the city.

Map’s web address:


Second Tourist Site Map of Argentina (Top 10 Tourist Sites, Buenos Aires):

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This second tourist site map of Argentina shows the top 10 best sites to see while visiting Buenos Aires. This map is important as it gives the tourist a good idea of where to start enjoying all of the tourist destinations the Argentine capital has to offer them during their stay.

Map’s web address:

Submitted by Spence Bridgman on 3/6/20.